Pro Members
Renomed Pro Members is a constantly developing group of great people. They are enthusiasts and professionals in the field of fly fishing.
Our Pro Members and Brand Ambassadors contribute to our success thanks to their knowledge, expertise and promotion of Renomed products. Get to know them and their works!

Lucas Utrera
Lucas Utrera is a fly tyer born in Argentina, currently residing in Miami, USA. He started fly tying in 1996 at the early age of 12. He dabbled in commercial tying for some year, but later dedicated most of his time to tying special flies for collectors and participating in competitions.
"Lucas is a True Artist, and his medium is Fly Tying!" Phillip Hardy Burmeister, Florida, US

Michael Burgess
Micheal Burgess, of @getrealflytying, currently resides in St. Louis Missouri.
When Micheal was first introduced to fly tying 20 years ago, he had a busy life running his business full-time and raising three kids with his wife, Laura, so he wasn’t able to pursue his passion for tying right away. However, he always found time for fishing trips whenever possible.
His journey into truly pursuing his (somewhat) newfound passion started three years ago, when one of Michael’s friends asked him if he could tie up a fly pattern to match the hatch of an emerging Caddis, which hatches late April to early May every year on a local river. That request really got his creative juices flowing and since his kids are grown now, he spends most evenings on his @renzzeti Master Vise tying bugs.
“I am ecstatic that Renomed asked me to be a part of their pro-team. I have been using Renomed scissors for the last 2 years - which I, personally, think are the best scissors in the industry - therefore, accepting their offer to join their pro-team was a very easy decision to make. I am honored that I have the opportunity to support and promote their product.” — Michael

Hans van Klinken
After a 35-year career, Hans van Klinken left his position as Commander of the Royal Dutch Army Gunnery School 7 years ago. During his working life Hans got himself involved in fly fishing and fly tying, outdoor and travel journalism, publishing, teaching and education. His retirement allowed him to now fully commit to the world of fly fishing, fly tying and environmental issues related. Hans takes part in and organises educational programs and workshops for fly tyers all over the world. He has written for many international club and fly fishing magazines as well as contributing to several fly fishing books. His contribution to the fly tying industry is remarkable and priceless. Many of his flies are used all over the world. Most famous is his Klinkhåmer Special parachute fly.
Hans has been using Renomed scissors since 2001!

Michael Harmon
“If your wife has never faked excitement at seeing yet another fake bug, can you even call yourself a decent fly tier?
I am a software Strategy Director by day and professional bug maker by night. Like many of you reading this, I have found a deep connection to and love for angling. Nothing quite grounds my soul like being able to escape from my 5 rowdy kids to the mountains. That hopeful moment right after the fly kisses the water is a close second. When something affects you so deeply, it naturally becomes a significant part of who you are. I like to think that some of that love and identity spills into the flies I tie, allowing others to see a bit of who I am in their quality, colors, and design. I specialize in tying traditional trout and salmon patterns. I am an Ambassador for Moonshine Rods and Stonfo. I am a Pro Team member for Renomed USA, Partridge of Redditch, and Sprite Hooks.“

Dylan Gonzales
I have been tying flies since 2017. I’m from Los Lunas, New Mexico. I am a small town raised and proud to be that way. I primarily fish the San Juan River in Northern New Mexico, so my flies are typically based around that fishery, however, I tie a lot of different patterns from small Semi-realistic midges to Catskill style flies. I look forward to sharing my flies as I progress in fly tying, being a voice for the younger generation of tyers, and helping youth get on the vise and out on the water. I am very proud to be a part of Team Renomed.

Dom Grieco
Dominick Greico has been trout fishing and fly tying for most of his life. A lifelong resident of Upstate New York, he has spent much of his free time exploring the vast Adirondack Park and the endless trout streams the State has to offer. His passion for fly fishing often leads him to the State of Montana in the summer to fish his favorite rivers and mountain lakes. He was fortunate to learn the art of fly tying many years ago from some of the most seasoned outdoorsman in the area. Dominick pays homage to his mentors by continually refining the patterns he was taught. He has a mission of incorporating modern materials and techniques while maintaining the core qualities of these tried and true fly patterns. He remains dedicated to the preservation and advancement of the art of fly tying.

Jeff Rowley
My name is Jeff Rowley. I live with my wife and two sons in Amarillo Texas. I have been fishing my whole life and started tying flies when I was 12 years old. It has developed into a major part of my life and I have started tying professionally. I also love teaching others the joy of tying and fly fishing. I like to add my own artistic flair to some of my flies and have had fun trying new techniques. I enjoy spending time fishing in the Rocky Mountains, Blue Ridge Mountains, as well as the Gulf of Mexico and I’m always looking to explore new territory.

Howard Fischer
Six years ago, while I was living in Washington State, I picked up fly fishing as a lifelong bass fisherman. Since then, fly fishing has become one of my greatest passions, devoting time and energy to learning more about the sport, conservation, and teaching others. Three years ago, I kind of fell into fly tying as a natural progression of my growing passion for fly fishing. I got started on a 30-year-old Griffin vise my father gave me along with a handful of tools and scissors that were dental instruments. From there it was off to the races.
Something that I truly love about fly tying is that there is so much creative liberty in it. I for one am pretty much completely self-taught (with the help of YouTube University), and when people ask me questions about specific things, I often find myself saying, “Use whatever you have/want.” Ultimately there are only so many ways you can tie one pattern, but you can tie one pattern so many ways and find what is most productive for you. I have personally come to appreciate tying flies as a way to spend time when I can’t get on the water, and to help get away from stress and anxiety!

Jean Torres
I am a father to an amazing 5 year old little girl and husband to my beautiful wife. While my fly tying hobby began 4 1/2 years ago, I have found that I love trying new patterns, new tools and materials while continuing to perfect my own style of tying. I try to tie as often as possible (or as often as my toddler will let me!) and each day I get better and better. I also love the community of fly tiers that I have met on social media since I started. In addition to tying in my spare time I enjoy fly fishing, offshore fishing, hunting, and spending time with my girls. Catch me on Instagram@KINO986and Facebook:

Kyle Ludwig
Hi, my name is Kyle Ludwig. I started tying and fly-fishing about the same time 3 years ago, after one of my cousins introduced me to this amazing sport. He let me borrow a 4 weight and gave be a handful of flies and the rest is history. I tie a wide rage of flies from big bass flies to tiny little dry flies for trout. I primarily fish the waters in the great state of Missouri for bass, trout, panfish, carp and gar. I am the owner of Ludwig Outdoors and you can find me on Instagram and YouTube @fly_tying_with_ludwigHappy tying and tight lines out there!

Dave R Smith
Dave is a Southern California native and grew up chasing trout in the Eastern Sierras of California on family trips. Dave’s love of fly fishing spiraled out of control when he picked up and moved to New Zealand on a whim. While in New Zealand, Dave got mixed up with the wrong crowd, which led him to experimenting with competition fly fishing. This experimentation led to a full blown fly fishing addiction. To provide some balance in his life, Dave also is an avid fly tier. Dave ties a few thousand flies each year, from size 20 perdigons, to 6/0 articulated baitfish and everything in between. When Dave’s not providing free lip piercing services for fish, he loves sharing his passion by giving seminars on how to fish sans an indicator, on the water clinics, leads fly tying classes and loves traveling to new fly fishing destinations with his fly fishing wife, Lesley. Follow Dave’s fly fishing adventures on the gram @SDFlyangler.

Guillermo López
My name is Guillermo López, I am 33 years old, I grew up in Temuco, a city in southern Chile, destiny brought me to Panguipulli, where I currently live with my family. Panguipulli is a mountain town where wild nature reigns, the perfect place for a person like me. It is known as the route of the seven lakes, this allows me to enjoy privileged places for fishing, leave home and in a few minutes be connected to the river is priceless. I’m a lucky man.
Since childhood I always enjoyed fishing, it was one of my favorite pastimes, today I can say that fly fishing has become my lifestyle. The tying of flies represents my passion and work, in which I have invested long hours of study and years perfecting my knowledge and techniques. I spend my days sitting next to the press, tying and reviewing every moment by the river, anxiously waiting for the moment when I can be back in the water.
Currently I have managed to be part of the professional teams of Ahrex, Textreme, Gulff and Stonfo. I have my own brand which is called "Guille López Flies", in which I expose through my social networks the different fly patterns, tying techniques and entomology. I consider myself a versatile tyer, tying from classic flies to modern flies. My goal is always to continue growing as a fisherman and fly binder, to become a great reference in my country. My goal is to enhance and inculcate fly fishing, delivering knowledge, skills and competencies for those who want to enter this wonderful adventure.
One of my references is Ruben Martin, in which I could find inspiration. I was fortunate to participate and learn from your knowledge, which impelled me to be who I am. Like my great friend Luciano Tomas Bacci who has supported me since the beginning of my career as a fly tying.

Graham Jones
Graham Jones is an Arkansas-born fly fisher and tyer, lately of Texas. A couple of years ago, Graham dove head-first back into fly tying, after a long, fishing-focused hiatus. This time though, instead of just spinning up the old standbys, he’s having a blast testing the limits of materials and his own creativity. He doesn’t sell his flies, but lately he’s taken to mailing one-offs to willing ‘test pilots’ from Canada to Chile, just to see what they might bring to hand.
Despite living in Texas the last few years, Graham still haunts tailwater trout fisheries in nearby Arkansas and Oklahoma. More and more, though, he’s been hitting Ouachita mountain backroads, chasing native warm-water species in increasingly unlikely places.
Since art and precision are Graham’s pursuits on the vise, joining the Renomed team only made sense. Check out what Renomed products bring to the bench: Graham is on Instagram @grahamjonesflytying

Wes Penny
Wes lives on Vancouver Island in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. Wes retired from policing after 25 years and then spent 7 years at the world famous Douglas Lake Ranch where his passion for fly tying and fishing really took off. Wes enjoys the creativity of fly tying and is always looking for new ideas and materials. He currently represents Textreme and Gulff , and has developed some unique resin techniques. Wes focuses on patterns for both stillwater and rivers.
“I am very honoured to represent Renomed and have been using their scissors for a few years now. You just can’t beat the quality, sharpness, and comfort of Renomed scissors, the tiers best friend “

Allen Rupp
Allen Rupp is a passionate fly tyer and angler with an incredible 35-year journey in the world of fly fishing. Throughout the years, Allen has honed his skills, dedicating countless hours to perfecting the art of tying flies. His creations have proven their effectiveness by enticing fish from various corners of the globe.
From the pristine waters of Africa and the enchanting rivers of Belize, to the breathtaking landscapes of Chile, Mexico, Portugal, and the Seychelles, Allen's flies have been trusted companions for anglers in pursuit of their piscine adversaries. These meticulously crafted flies have seduced species far and wide, leaving no doubt about their unwavering appeal.
However, Allen is not solely confined to the tying bench. Despite his mastery of the fly tying art, he always manages to find time for his true passion: fishing. Each year, he embarks on thrilling adventures, seeking out the exhilaration of battling with various fish species. Whether it's the powerful strikes of Bass, the finesse required for Panfish, the explosive fights of Stripers and Snook, or the delicate presentations needed for Trout, Allen embraces the challenges and joys of angling with open arms.
With an unmatched wealth of experience and an unyielding love for the sport, Allen continues to push boundaries, constantly exploring new fishing grounds, and sharing their expertise with fellow enthusiasts. Their dedication to the art of fly tying and the pursuit of fish is an inspiration to both seasoned anglers and novices alike.

Ryan Morgan
I fly fished as a kid but at some point decided skating(skateboarding) and chasing girls was way cooler. A couple of years ago , almost three now, a friend brought a couple of fly rods on a camping trip and we cast them around at a little creek near our campsite. The following week I bought a custom Rainwatersrods 9’ 4wt and a Lamson reel. I got the guy who built and sold me the rod, to show me how to tie a wooly bugger. The first year I fished 152 days and tied every day, in fact Only a few days have passed since then, that I haven’t tied at least one fly. I’ve been a junkie for fly fishing and tying since I tied on that first fly and tied that ol bugger.

Todd Kennedy
For over 35 years I have instructed or tested guides for the professional guide’s course that my father created and I have taken it over for the past ten years.
I have put in a lot of volunteer time as I was the past President of the Cobiquid Salmon Assn, past VP of the Nova Scotia Salmon Assn, past Chair of multiple Duck unlimited Committees, past Director of Delta Waterfowl, past Chair of the Hunting and Fishing Guides Assn of NS, and currently a director of the Nova Scotian Guides Service. I’m also a member of countless other outdoor and conservation organizations. I'm also a Pro Staff for Semperfli, and Norvise.
You can kinda say Im a Subject Matter Expert when it comes to the guiding industry in this province as I have been involved with it my whole life.
Currently I have been working with the Nova Scotian Guides Service and Inland fisheries to provide guide workshops to increase the professionalism of the guides in this province so the province can promote Nova Scotia as a world class sport fishing destination knowing that we have professionals to provide the service.

Rick Passek
Rick Passek has been FlyFishing since he was 6 years old. Taught by his avid FlyFishing father in southern Alberta until he moved in 1980 to the Vancouver BC area. Once moved to Vancouver, Rick became an avid Lake Flyfisher and a very Avid Salmon/Steelhead and Searun cutthroat Trout FlyFisher.
In 2006, Rick wrote the first of two books. The first book is called “The Freshman FlyFisher, A beginners Guide for a new generation”, in 2008, Rick Wrote his second book called “The Freshman FlyFisher’s Insect Guide”
Rick Has been on TV many times sharing his passion for the sport and is Pro Team with Renomed Scissors, Semperfli Tying Materials, Sport Fishing On The Fly TV Show, FlyLife Canada (Hends, Stonefo, Alex Nymphs), AirFlo/Ross Reels, Maui Jim Sunglasses, and is an ambassador with Moby Nets.
The past several years, Rick has been uploading FlyTying Videos to his popular YouTube channel called “The FlyFish Fanatic” Check out His YouTube Channel: